Sunday, June 17, 2012

Satsang Shri Mandir

Query by Anindita Majumdar  in face book  Universal satsang forum

Here's something which I feel is very unfortunate!
Is there any provision regarding the number of mandirs in a particular area(according to the population, area etc). If not, then there must be.!  In small towns having very small populations and areas, there are surprisingly 3 or 4 satsang vihars.!
> Question may arise in your 'intelligent' minds - 'WHY SHOULD I BOTHER'?
 > This is because, when there are 3 or 4 satsang kendras in a small place, there the common satsangees face problems.
 Somdays ago, i visited my grandparent's place in a small town of north bengal. I was surprised to find 5 mandirs there!
 The unfortunate thing is - when we went to invite some satsangees for an Adhiveshan there, this is what most of them told -
 Even, i was astonished to find that all the Mandirs were continuously involved in a 'COLD WAR' like situation!
 Is this the symbol of a Satsangee? Is this what Thakur wanted us to be???  

My  views  ---------   on prayer hall and place of congregation of devotees
You said

 “Is there any provision regarding the number of mandirs in a particular area(according to the population, area etc). If not, then there must be.!”

Ans --  You said  mandir  and not SHRIMANDIR (although subsequent postings refer to Shri Mandir alone).

Those person managing present set up of Satsang  organistion might have laid down some guidelines or criteria and even some standard designs for the temple to be known as Shri Mandir.  Very well and nice attempt as this ill help the devotees in visualizing what will be the look of the temple. But this not binding on any devotees for constructing Satsang Mandir  or prayer place of devotees.  There is no saying  (to my knowledge) of thakur to follow any design or specific design of prayer  place. Devotees are free to collect in group and make a prayer place and put Shri shri thakur’s picture or statue at the altar and start praying regularly, offer bhog, perform regular prayer and arati as per daily schedule of thakurbari. Can anybody find anything wrong in this?  Only thing important is that we should follow in toto WHAT THAKUR SAID AND HIS SAYINGS.  Another point  NO PARMISSION IS NEEDED FROM ANY BODY FROM ANY WHERE TO MAKE A PRAYER PLACE OF SHRI SHRI THAKUR. Only thing needed is a collective sankalpa for making a holy prayer place for the purpose of individual sadhana and collective propagation of thakur’s ideal  ---  why a formal permission is need to perform such a secred act.  There may be many  prayer places at one locality. And this will help our objective of propagating Thakur’s ideal.  But if you wish to call it a shri mandir then you are to  go through all the formalities laid by the present Head of Satsang organization including obtaining permission.  Even then I don’t find anything wrong in making a number of Shri mandir’s in any locality. This will go in a long way in propagating ideal of Shri Shri Thakur provided we donot enter into any unhealthy competition on this matter.

I request earnestly the learned viewer of this blog may post there comments  even though they  may not agree to above.  Any criticism will be entertained.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Istovrity -- What Should be the Amount

Istovrity  ---  as a part of our sadhana

Istovrity is part and parcel of our Sadhana. Istovrity is the combination of two word  Isto means your IDEAL or ULTIMATE SOURCE OF ENLIGHTENMENT. Vrity means to  maintain to nurture. it is our duty to contribute to the bharanposhan of our ISTO. this should be done by making daily offering to our Lord. It should be done early in the morning after we get ready for the prayer preferably before sunrise. The ritual should be performed with full devotion and urge of offering to the love Lord should always remain in mind. This can also be considered as connection between the source of enlightenment and the devotee. Even one does not have any source of earning he should perform this holy ritual by begging.  Thakur said  "Vikka korey istovrity korley Arjo chheley, Ajut teertho porjotoner phol taar pholey."

Now we should know what should be the quantum of Istovirity as per thakur. a discussion took place in a group in facebook and below is the excerpt of that

Quantum of Istovrity  
(taken from facebook postings)

13th MAY, 2012- SUNDAY
 If one is not able to deposit ‘ISHTRABHRITY’ right on 30th day, then what may be the consequence?

 “If one is not so sick, then it should be deposited on the specific day.

 Through sincerity and regularity on this, it would spread positively in each & every activity of our life. And through which our efficiency is developed.

As this is a unique religious/spiritual practice, so there should not be any gap on this. Subsequently, the same gap attacks in all other activity of our life.

‘ISHTRABHRITY’ is called Psychophysical Concentration. Its effect remains in whole of our existence. By performing this much, a man gets protection, escape from danger and distress. Because through performing this, huge energy is stored within by which one is protected at the time of DANGER”.
From Partha-da

Joyguru Mrinal Daa,
As per Sri Sri Thakur's message in 'Anushruti', the amount of 'Ishtabhrity' should be equivalent to the amount of one's daily meal.
Even He further stresses that same amount ( equivalent to one's daily meal )may be considered as the least to offer as Ishtabhrity.

However, the reality of major chunk of dicsiples regarding the amount to offer as daily Ishtabhrity may not follow the message.
But I beleive this is bit debatable in accordance with the perspective.

In conclusion, anyone should offer daily Ishtabhrity as per his/her income and one should have natural tendency to increase the amount to offer as along with the time daily expenses of anyone increases.
Subsequently, with such attitude, a man can become efficient to earn more, which is nothing but the foundation of 'being' and 'becoming'.

Any existence should have positive goal/ dream in life and to fulfill that goal/dream, one earns and to earn, one must have to be efficient and developed in all aspects.
So if one has such tendency to increase the amount of Ishtabhrity,i.e. the genuine welfare, then he/she would find the way to be efficient and earn more.
You may please highlight your views regarding the same.
I have made a basic calculation for daily offering of Istovrity for one family.
Take a case family income  is Rs 20,000/-  per month
Normally people spend  30% of monthly income for food (may be more)
30% of  20,000/-  is  Rs 6000/-
Suppose he has a family of 5
Amount spent per head on food is   6000/5 =  1200
Daily expenditure on food per head   1200/30  =  40/-
So daily istovrity amount for the family is Rs 40/-
That means  1200/- should go to thakurbari from that family per month.
I shall give my personal observation in my next posting.
I have studied various literature on the science of giving.  Thakur also encourage giving in his various sayings.    “petey chas to ditey thakis, jokhon jemon jebhavey paris.”   And quite many others. Offering to the source of enlightenment is the age old tradition and is encouraged in all the religious practices. Christians call it church rate, muslims call Zakaat, Sikhs call dashband and many hindu religious gurus made this offerings compulsory without  assigning any specific amount.  I shall refer you a book named “Science of giving  --  IASS meerut” 
You can have a copy of above book from the address below

Badari Narayan Sevagram,
P.O.Box: 395,
Meerut: (U.P.) - 250 002,

Phone: 0121-2439032/2439037
Fax: 0121-2439025
Narayan Ashram,
Village Samalaka,
Delhi -110037

Phone : 011-25062765
I was inspired by the book given above  and decided to send 10% of my earning to thakurbari  and  I have been following the same now for last few years  and this have given me relief from all sorts of calculation.  This 10% should exclusively go to your source of enlightenment.  Any other donations like utsab  and shrimandir and other donations should not be included in this 10% donation.
This posting gives my personal views only   and   has no binding for anybody to follow it or take seriously. I advise all to consider Thakur’s directive alone.