Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Experience with Truth

Received from Rahul Kumar (The Unborn Soul)
My Experiment With Truth
Joy Guru !There is more than one crore followers of Shri Shri Thakur Anukulchandra. And everyfollower definetly see Thakur in their own level and different way andtheir experiences are different. I want to share my experience about Tthakurji."Arjuna, howsover men seek Me, even so do I approach them ; for allmen follow My path in everyway. (Gita 4.11)It was year 1992 when first time satsang was organised in my home,and it touched my heart. Same year I went to Deoghar with family members.Time Shri Shri Borda(Thakur's elder son) was present. I saw him and at that timemy age was 9 years. And I so much impressed with teachings of Thakurthat I wanted to take diksha and mantra(Holy name). But it was notpossible that time because minimum age for diksha was 12 years. Then I startedfollowing the teachings of thakur and become pure vegetarian and startedparticipating in satsang that was organized locally. But slowly my beliefon thakur decreased because that time I thought that every work of mine wasdone by Thakur, for example, when could not do my homework, then I had to face insult of teacher or when I could not prepare well for exam then I couldnot get good marks in the examination. Thakur's words are very suitable at that place-Oh, you who would devotees bewith hope for name and riches,don't make me your Lord and Master.Beware ! If mastery withinawaken not,-Master, Centre- none you have,and deceiving, you shall be deceived.(Satyanusaran)Other reason for my belief ended on thakur was that some personal butspritual questions came in my mind were :-(1)Who am I ?(2)Who created this world ?(3)What happens after Death ?(4)Is there any point where sky is ends, if yes, then at that place what is there ?(5) Who created this world?This type of question came in my mind at age of 9-10. But I could not findanyone who could give answer of my questions. In 1995 I visited Deogharsecond time and my age was12, but i was not taking interestin diksha because several types of doubt started coming in my mind aboutthakur, like- Why should I follow Thakur ? Is thakur really a god-incarnation like Ramor Krishna.? If yes, then what was a proof because he lived like a simpleperson and if Thakur was a man just like me(2 eyes, 1 nose2 ear, two hand, two leg) then what is difference. So finally I told myfamily member that I shall not follow Thakur any more.Then I stopped participating in any satsang or prayer and thendegeneration in my life started. And in year 1998 once again I startedtaking non-veg foods. Sometimes those questions (which I already discuscedin above lines) started coming in my mind and that time I became serious.So years passed but I did not get my answer. Then a new type of thoughtcame in my mind that I can't get answers of my questions till death.Then one thing also came in my mind that if there were any God then heshould definitely give answer of my questions. Otherwise there is no God.Then I came in bad company and started reading vulgur booksand also started smoking occasionaly with friends for fun. Then athought came in my mind that there is nothing like sin or virtue. there isno God. In year 2004, I read some essays of Osho and my belief on Godended. Same year in august I saw a book "Gita" . Before this I neverread single verse of Gita. What happened I don't know one thing comein my mind that why not I read it once ultimately I need not believe inGod. But when I started reading the Gita then a Mirracle happened with me.The verses from Gita started striking my mind and i felt(in internallevel) that lord Krishna was giving me the teachings of the and when I readthe whole Gita I felt that I was somwhere else and not present in earth. Thattime I felt Oh! No one told me this thing in my life before. Someverses which really made me brave internally was:-"Know That alone to be imperishable which pervades this universe ; forno one has power to destroy this indestructible substance(soul) (Gita 2.17)"Arjuna, when you have achieved enlightenment, ignorance will delude youno more. In the light of that knowledge you will see the entire creation firstwithin your own self, and then in Me (the Oversoul). (Gita 4.35)"Even though you were the most sinful of all sinners, this knowledgealone would carry you, like a raft, across all your sins. (Gita 4.36)"The Yogi whose mind is sated with jnana(knowledge of Nirguna Brahma)and Vijnana(knowledge of manifest Divinity), who is unmoved under anycircumstances, whose senses are completely under control, and to whomearth, stone and gold are all alike, is spoken of as a God-realized soul. (Gita 6.8)"There is nothing else besides Me, Arjuna. Like clusters of yarn-beads formedby knots on a thread, all this is threaded on Me. (Gita 7.7)"In the very last of all births the enlightened person worships Me by realizingthat all this is God. Such a great soul is very rare indeed. (Gita 7.19)"The fruit gained by these people of small understanding, however, isperishable. The worshippers of gods attain gods(like indra,varun etc) ;whereas My devotees, howsoever they worship Me, eventually come toMe and Me alone . (Gita 7.23)"He who departs from the body, thinking of Me alone at the time of death,attains My state; there is no doubt about it. (Gita 8.5)"Arjuna, all the worlds from Brahmloka( lok of bramha) downwards areliable to appear and reappear. But, O son of kunti, on attaining Me thereis no rebirth. (Gita 8.16)"Even if the vilest sinner worships Me with exclusive devotion, he shouldbe accounted a saint ; for he has rightly resolved (He is positive in hisbelief that there is nothing like devoted worship of God). (Gita 9.30)"Speedily he becomes virtuous and attains abiding peace. Know it forcertain, Arjuna, that My devotee never suffers degradation. (Gita 9.31)"Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me and make obeisanceto me; thus linking yourself with Me and entirely depending on Me, youshall come to Me. (Gita 9.34)"Give your mind to Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me and bow to Me.Doing so you will come to Me alone, I truly promise you; for you areexceptionally dear to Me. (Gita 18.65)"Resigning all your duties to Me, the all-powerful and all supportingLord, take refuge in Me alone; I shall absolve you of all sins, worry not (Gita 18.66)And this Gita was published by ISKCON, famous for Hare Krishna movementall around the world. And when finished the Gita I really become a differenttype of person. And I decided to spend my life for Krishna. At that momentI am so much happy becaus I never expected that I got this type of guarantee(Gita 18.66) and also i started getting answers of my questions. Then Istarted reading books written by Bhakti Vedant Swami Prabhupad(founderof ISKCON). And I reached that conclusion that Chaitnya Mahaprabhu wasKrishna himself and some months ago I also got a bhajan written by Mirabaiwhich clearly prove that Krishna came in form of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu:-"Ab to hari naam lau lagi lSab jagko yah makhan chora, naam dharyo vairagi llKit chori wah mohan murli, kit chori sab gopi lmur murai dori kati bandhi mathe mohan topi llMat jasomati makhan karan, bandhe jake pau lShyamkishore bhayo nav gaura, Chaitanya jako nau llPitamberko bhav dikhabe, kati kopin kase lGaur Krishnaki dasi Mira, rasna Krishna base llThen i start searching Sadguru(true master) to get Divine love of"Radhakrishna". Then I decided to join Iskcon for this purpose. Thenin year 2005(april) I went to one of my relative and I visitedIskcon temple. But that place did not satisfy me. Because I did not get anyenvironment of that type of divinity which I wanted after I the Gita.The temple was very beautiful no doubt but I did not visit thatplace just for watching temple. Also environment of that place is inwestern style. At that place I also did not fine any true master. So mysearch for true master did not end at that time. Then same year Igot two books "Purshotam( biography of Sri Sri Thakur in hindi writtenby Sri jagdish narayan in 1954) and Sriramkrishna vachanamrit (last fouryear[1882-1886] discussion of Sriramkrishna paramhansa". Thesebooks werefirstly written by one of main bhakt "master mahasya" and orginal bookname was Sriramkrishna kathamrit in bangla and then later translated inhindi by ''pandit suryakant tirpathi nirala")Then I read Purshotam. And at one place it strike in my mind, theselines are of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu-"sarvkal tumra sakle mor aang laei janam jenona janiba janam janam llaei janam jeno tumi sab aamar sange lnirvadhi acho sankirtan sukh range llaei mat aache aar dui avtar lkirtan anand roop hoibo aamar lltahateu tumi sab aei mat range lkirtan kariba maha sukhe aama sange ll---- Sri Sri Chaitanya bhagvat, middile volume, chapter-26meaning-O my parshads of kirtan. you are my parshads of my previous this life you enjoying sankirtan , same way when my next two avtar happenthen you are also with me and enjoying great happiness of kirtan.But after reading "purshotam" my search for Sadguru(true master) did notend. Then I started reading "Sriramkrishna vachnamrit". Beforereading Ramkrishna vachanamrit my thought about Sri Ramkrishna Paramhansawas not very high. Because at that time I just heard about Sri RamkrishnaParamhans that he was a worshipper of kali. But my belief was on krishnaand also that krishna was supreme god(but this time kali, krishna,jesus,nirgun brahm, mohamad all is one just like jesus words on bible- me andmy father was one) so one thing also come in my mind that Ramkrishnaparamhans was not very important because he was worshipper of kali. But when Istarted reading Ramkrishna vachanamrit I got the idea that Ramkrishnaparamhans was brahm himself. And when I read more and more thenmy doubts are started clearing. Then I also felt that Sri Ramkrishna paramhansawas giving me direct teaching. Then at one place some lines struck me-"pahle se hi mujhe sab dikha diya jata hai l Battalle me maine gaurangke sankirtan ka dal dekha tha l usme sayad balram so dekha tha aurtumhe bhi sayad dekha tha l................................................................................................."aek baar aur aana hoga l Isliye parsado ko sab gyan mai nahi deta(haste hue)tumhe agar sab gyan de de, to phir tum log sahaj hi mere pas kyo aaoge ?(edition 2003,vol-1 page-402, 24 dec 1883)meaning-i see everything before. i see sankirtan dal of gaurang(anothername of chaitanya mahaprabhu) in battale. in this sankirtan group i maysee balram(one of the main bhakt of ramkrishna paramhans) and mayalso see you(master mahasya). i came once again. that's why i not giveall knowledge to parsads. if i give you all knowledge then how you cameeasily to me.Then thought that Sri Ramkrishna came in form of incarnaton of God. This time Istill had some doubt in my mind. But when Ii read these lines my alldoubt about next avtar of Sri Ramkrishna paramhans was clear-"Jo antrang hai, unki mukti na hogi l vayavya disa me aek baar aur(mujhe) deh dharan karna hoga l( vol-2,page-991, 9 aug 1885)meaning-those who are my personal(bhakt) was not get mukti. I shall againtake birth in vayabya direction.Then i thought that if Thakur was really an avatar then definataly takingbirth in vayabya direction. Thakur's birth place was Himayatpur villageof Pabna district of Bengal(currently in Bangladesh). I read in some booksthat vayabya direction means north-east. Then i start searching in mapof bangladesh that what is the exact position of pabna district. Andwhen I saw that Pabna district is situated at last point of bangladeshon north-east direction. then I really got surprised and thinks ohthis is not less than a miracle for me.before I could find this after 10 years I visited Deoghar on occasion ofagaman diwas(celebrated every year on 2nd sep) of Sri Sri Thakur fromPabna to Deoghar. Then i thought that why not I take diksha of Sri SriThakur. because he fulfills me everyway and Krishna has come himself in formof Thakur. And in Ddecember month of 2005 i took deeksha. And after takingdiksha all my doubts were cleared. And noproblem affected me personally. Then I also took swastayani brata in year 2007.Thakur also accepted it indirectly at one place that I am Ramkrishna Paramhansbefore this birth:-Sri Sri Thakur - "Ramkrishnadev ne kaha tha - 'abhi sab gyan nahi de rahahoon .' unhone closed rakh diya tha kuch, kintu mai sab disclosed karde raha hoon .....alochana parsange, vol-1the collection of bani of Sri Sri Thakur was available on bangla book-'punyapunthi'. These bani was given by Sri Sri Thakur at samadhi stage.Due to lack of knowledge of bangla I can't read all bani of Thakur. Iread just some bani which was published in monthly hindi magzineor available in biography of thakur :-".....Trust me and give me everything. Sure, be glad, everything will makeyou glad ! Spit on and spurn the sin, not the man - the sinner !When I was before, He was latent in me! When I was before, you havelatent in me! When I was you, you were, I, I was the only one - I waslatent in me! Think yourselves. you were latent in me. Whole creationis you - No doubt the spirit. I was the sound, sound is my creation ;therefore you are created by me. Only sound is your spirit, no doubt!peaceful heart can make everyone peaceful. Come to me, I will give youeverything, no doubt! Be fearless and proceed on and on! Check your tongueand kiss the feet. Draw the heart fast. Atom can feel atom!...''...My lord! I am nothing but I- you must think all is not littile all, allis - supreme soul. I am supreme soul - the Parabrahma.vande pursotbam !!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thakurji's sayings on finding fault, happiness and poverty

To be prosperous try for ever to get rid of the habit of finding faults with others,
find out the good qualities which are present in man,think of it, speak of it, and discuss about it.
Try to be careful, so that one's fault may not cause injury to you.

What enlivens, elevates, and delights your being and makes everyone elated as it spreads into the environment -if anything is to be called happiness,it is this.
Idleness, "I cannot", "It cannot be", "It can't be done",- be careful and alert about all such thoughts and conduct, for they easily infect the progeny, and the environment becomes contaminated by them; as a result family, society and country become ignorant, stupefied and depressed, and thus are utterly ruined in terrible poverty.

The Holy Name

Practice of Surat Shabd Yoga and the Holy name

By the performance of this practice,mind will get subdued. There is no other way in this Kali Yuga for purifying and quieting the mind and raising it to
higher regions. The goals of all the religions, prevalent in this world, reach up to the first or at the most the second stage of Sants. If the Abhyas of Surat
Shabd Yoga is performed methodically, the mind and spirit will be purified, and , catching hold of Shabd, will ascend to celestial regions, represented in human microcosm. Leaving Pind, the region of nine orifices, they will reach Brahmand, i.e., Trikuti. There the spirit will part company with the mind, and proceed further. Experiencing the bliss of Sunn and Maha-sunn, the spirit will have darshan of Sat Purush in Sat Lok, of Alakh Purush in Alakh Lok, and of Agam Purush in Agam Lok. Finally, it will reach the Nij Dham of RADHASOAMI. it was from this place that the spirit originally descended. It got entangled in the snares of Kal, laid out in Tri-loki (three worlds or Locks). It will again get back to its original abode.
A practitioner of Surat Shabd Yoga will pass through; Vishnu Lok Shiv Lok, Brahama ka Lok, Shakti Lok, Ram Lok, Brahm Pad, Nirvan Pad of Jains, the region of Lord God of the Bible and the regions of Malkoot, Jabroot and Lahoot of Mohammedans, all situated below Sunn. Experiencing the bliss of these regions, the spirit will enter into its Nij Desh (Original Home) by the grace of Sants.

The Radhasoami mat or faith derives its name from its original Founder, the Supreme Being, Radhasoami who appeared in this world in human form and designated Himself Sant Sat Guru or perfect Saint or true Guide and Preceptor, and preached holy doctrines to sincere enquirer of Truth for the deliverance of their spirit from the bondage of body and its surroundings, as well as from the pains and pleasures of this world, and for the ultimate admission (of their spirit) into the Holy Presence of the Supreme Being after traversing and breaking through the trammels and impediments in the material spheres.

The holy name Radhasoami has been given out by the Supreme Being Himself. It resounds in splendid refulgence in the higher spheres and can be heard within themselves by those who perform devotion by practising Surat Shabd Yoga according to the instructions given by the Supreme Being Himself.
All obstacles thrown in the way and traps laid by Universal Mind and Matter to stop or interfere with the
progress of a pilgrim to the high mansion of the Supreme Being in pure spiritual regions disappear at once on the pronunciation of the holy name Radhasoami by the devotee; such is the immediate effect and beneficial influence exercised by this Almighty Name. It at once strikes awe and terror in the heart of the conflicting agents and revolting forces met with by the devotee while traversing the material regions and gradually removes them altogether from his path.
The holy name Radhasoami signifies both the Supreme Being and the original Spirit or Sound current (or Word) which emanated from His Holy Feet, and which is the prime factor and principal agent in the whole creation.
Blessed is the night on which Param Purush Puran Dhani Soamiji Maharaj graced this planet for the
edification of the erring humanity and for removing the darkness of ignorance from the hearts of misguided souls. Blessed is the country, the city and the locality in which He made His advent for steering the souls safely through the ocean of life, in the ark of Shabd.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Story of Thakurji

Story of Thakurji

Victory over death
Bijoy ketan Sahu

Khalilr Rahaman was a great Muslim devotee of Yuga-Purusottama Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra.He was living alone in Kolkata due to his government job.But his family was in his native place named Bagula.One day, he got a telegram from his wife that their son is seriously ill. Doctors have given up hope. Khalil da's wife asked him to come to the village without delay. After getting this telegram he also replied by a telegram to his wife that he was going to village very soon and to keep patience with having strong faith in Sri Sri Thakur.After getting this telegram, next day early morning Khalil Da started his journey by a train to his native village Bagula. En route is the Iswaradi Railway station.This Iswaradi Railway station is very near to Himaitapur Satsang Ashram. Sri Sri Thakur was staying at that time in his native place Himaitapur only. So, Khalil Da decided to get down on that station and to have darshan of Sri Sri Thakur.He would pray on lotus feet of Sri Sri Thakur about his son’s illness and what instruction Sri Sri Thakur would give he would work accordingly. So accordingly, he get down there and went for Sri Sri Thakur’s holy darshan at Himaitapur Asram.When he reached the Ashram’s gate, he saw that Sri Sri Thakur was sitting with many devotees & some discussion was going on. Emotionally charged with devotion, he ran to offer pronam to his Beloved Lord. But before he could reach Sri Sri Thakur, Sri Sri Thakur saw him from a distance, & exclaimed with joy: “Oh ! Khalil Da,welcome ! Welcome ! Really I was looking for you since morning. I have an important work with you.You please freshen up quickly. You have to go to Medinapur because, due to misunderstandings between two gurubhais, some organizational problem has cropped up there, and I think you are the best person to solve that issue, so you please set your mind to go immediately to Medinapur."

" But now Thakur…………?!!!" Khalil Da offered pranaam at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Thakur and asked in a sad and broken tone. ." Yes ! Yes ! Dada,you have to go now,because it is urgent. Get ready & proceed immediately. Your lunch has been prepared at Kesto Da’s house.After having your lunch you have to start your journey for Medinapore" Sri Sri Thakur replied."But Thakur, my…………………", Khalil Da was trying to say some thing about the ill ness of his son. But Thakur stopping him in the middle of his sentence and ordered Kesto Da (Sri Krishna Prasanna Bhatacharya) to take Khalil da to his house for lunch and help him make preparations to go to Medinapur.After having lunch, when Khalil Da again came to Thakur to say at least something about his son’s illness and to offer pronaam before starting his journey for Medinapore, Thakur again saw him from far and spoke loudly: "Oh..Khalil Da !! Jayguru ! Jayguru ! I accept your pronaam from there itself, no need come near to me.There is no time at all.You go now ! The car driver is waiting for you.Please go from there.I pray to Supreme Father you would surely get success in your mission and will be able to solve the issue at Medinapur."Thus, Sri Sri Thakur did not give him any scope at all to mention anything about his son's illness. Khalil Da only could only pray in his heart,' Oh ! Thakur,Oh ! Param Dayal, you know every thing.You are called Antaryami,you know every body’s mind & thoughts.I was going to see my son who is seriouisly ill. Now, you are engaging me in your holy work. Your will is the best. I am going for your work.I surrender my son at your holy feet. My son’s life or death is on your hands. Let your wish be fulfilled."

Praying in his heart, Khalil Da started his journey to Medinapur. ...It so happened that it took more than a week to solve that issue. Then, he returned to Satsang Ashram Himaitpur. When he reached the Ashram, Sri Sri Thakur did not ask any thing about Medinapur !! Instead, Sri Sri Thakur said: " Oh ! Khalil Da, that day, I think, you were going to your native village. Now, you go there immediately and after coming back from your village please come here again. Then, I will hear everything on the matter of Medinapur."Again, obeying Thakur’s order, Khalil da went to his village Bagula. He was worried of any bad news that might be awaiting him there. Is his son alive or not ? So many negative thoughts were coming in his mind .But he was astonished with what he saw when he reached at his village. His little boy was playing, outside his house, with other boys as if nothing ever happened to him. Tears in his eyes, he embraced his son poured poured his love. Then, he rushed inside to ask his wife about the whole matter. His wife told that it was a miracle. The son was really seriously in bed & even doctors had given up all hope. That’s whenshe telegraphed him. But, after receiving Khalil da's reply-telegram, from very next day, surprisingly, the boy started recovering himself & now he is perfectly allright !Now, Khalil da was able to understand every thing. It is only Thakur’s Grace which has cured his son. Tears rolled down from his eyes as a gratitude to Sri Sri Thakur.Then, alonwith with his son and wife, he went to Thakur and said:-" He Param Dayal !! Now I am able to understand why you sent me to your holy work instead of going to my village to see my son." He described everything to Thakur, & said that by His blessings alone his son got cured. Listening every thing Thakur smiled and said with joy:"You have engaged your self in Supreme Father’s holy work, so Supreme Father saved your son’s lfe."Khalil Da and his wife had tears in their eyes.

Later, another devotee Nani Gopal Chakravarty asked Sri Sri Thakur why, in spite of Khalil da's son’s severe illness, He (Sri Sri Thakur) sent Khalil Da to Medinapore instead of letting him go to his village ? Param Dayal Sri Sri Thakur replied: " When Khalil Da’s son was ill, he was searching for his father, and was extremely eager to see him. Had Khalil reached home that time, the boy would have seen his father, and his all will would have been finished !!This would have left no hope for his life and it might have brought death to him. But at that time I engaged Khalil da in Supreme father’s holy work. And, the child’s mother was also always telling her son-' Oh,my child, you would get cured soon and you would be able to see your father too.' These words of mother created an internal energy of hope in the child, and that cured him. It is psychological science which I applied to make that child cure possible. "All the devotees were delighted by listening to Sri Sri Thakur’s sweet scientific explanation.Truth is truth. Sri Sri Thakur is only truth. He is the Lord of everything. He knows in what way our life will be saved.So, he has asked us to follow Him unconditionally. Nature (Prakriti) always follows Param Purusha (Lord). If we go against Sri Sri Thakur’s instructions, then we suffer from our own mistakes. But if we will follow Him unconditionally, then we can achieve anything, even a victory over death. We can then challenge death : "Oh, death ! be far and far away from me as I have got many works of my Lord to do…………"Vande Purosottamam.Jai GuruBijaya Ketan SahuKolkata
Source -- Ligate --An english magazine published from Satsang

Shri Shri Thakurji's last days

Sri Sri Thakurji's last days
From "Ocean In a Tea cup: The Story of Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra" - by Ray Hauserman, published by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan[ Ray Archer Hauserman was a very close and ardent disciple of Sri Sri Thakurji, since Pabna days. He had also filmed Sri Sri Thakurji's arrival in Deoghar by train. He wrote many books on Sri Sri Thakurji.]………..pgs 354 to 360>>>>Despite this apparent demonstration of indestructi­bility, Thakur, quietly, imperceptibly prepared for his departure. More and more often he referred personal, administrative and financial problems to Bor'da. Step by step he moved this son who had served so selflessly so long into the forefront—the preacher organization, the philanthropic activities, the arrangements for food, new homes—gently, steadily he pushed Bor'da into promi­nence. Each succeeding birthday of Bor'da brought forth exuberant praise, always with a touch of caution that Bor'da demonstrate the same compassion and un­derstanding that Thakur had. This was culminated one afternoon in the late spring of 1968. When Bor'da came to his father, Thakur said to him, "You sit here on my ted, and I'll go in the back room." "No, No, Father! this is your bed and you stay here !' Borda's protest was immediate, "No, you sit here," Thakur insisted, "Tui to ami. (You are I.) I'll go in the back room, I cannot manage physically any longer." Was it wise and perceptive faith, or a humble yet subtle pride that compelled Bor'da to reject Thakur's proposal ? To this day that bed holds a sad picture of Thakur and the rightness or wrongness of Borda's refusal to sit there still argued back and forth.
Thakur's arrangements for his absence were not how­ever, limited to Bor'da. During this same period, he was quietly advising some people to remain with Kazal and appealing to different workers; "After I've gone, you help Kazala...' Between the frequent trips to Patna to com­plete his research for his Phd. in Plastic Surgery, Kazal would perform major operations in the small hospital built by Bor'da in consultation with Kazal. During these operations Thakur would send a stream of attendants to inquire about the progress and the success or failure of the surgery. The hospital quickly established a reputation of success and Kazal also demonstrated an awareness of Thakur's expansive spirit."How much is the charge ?" The monk from the Ramakrishna Mission High School inquired after Kazal had X-rayed, set and plastered the arm of one of the students, broken in a football game."What charge ?" Kazal queried. "Thakur always says that if things were in proper order, Satsangis could go to the Ramakrishna Mission and feel we were still in Satsang .and you could come to Satsang and feel you are still in the Ramakrishna Mission. So, how can I charge money from members of my own family ?"In 1966, Kazal was married to girl that Thakur had himself chosen from many possibilities and to whom a daughter was born a year later. Kazal's constant trips between Patna and Deoghar. performing operations in both places often gave others the opportunity to observe beneath the apparent simple, unpretentious exterior, was a steel-like tenacity and courage. When a poverty-stricken slum dweller couldn't afford an operation in the hospital, he would gather a make-shift staff, wash clown the shack with disinfectant and proceed to perform hernia, appendix and even a gall bladder operation in the bustees in Patna. Whether it was skill, luck or faith that Thakur would save the patient, Kazal established a reputation among the hospital staff and his poverty-stricken clientele of courage, compassion and success.

On Match 16th, 1967, I became aware first-hand of another of Thakur's innocent yet ultimately so meaning­ful indications of his plans for the future. I had gone to Thakur's room to bid farewell along with Kazal and Chotto Ma before leaving for Patna. Sudhir Choudhury, Janardan Mookerjee, Prafulla Bannerjee and several others were present. It was around 3 : 30 and conversation was going on desultorily. Suddenly, Thakur irrelevantly remarked looking at Kazal, "The astrologers say I'll come back as your son." "Father, please don't say that," Kazal's hands were folded in appeal ''You always remain my father."A few months later and a few days before Kazal would receive his Phd, he along with and old friend were sitting on the verandah of rented house in Rajeadra-nagar, a well-to-do suburb of Patna, where many pro­fessional people lived. "Kazal," the friend observed, ''did you ever stop to think that with all your experience and degrees, you could start a private practice here in Patna and easily earn 100,000 rupees a year and quickly have a nice car, house and if you made only a couple of free operations a week, you would be overwhelmed with praise: `A worthy son of Thakur...' But going back to Deoghar and the ashram, you'll have to face criticism; blame, slander and you'll always be in financial trouble...""I've never given the idea any importance. Do you know why?" Kazal became very serious. "Because Ma used to tell me she prayed to Thakur for me and then, after I came, she prayed to him so she could make a perfect flower to put on the altar of her Lord. I'm not sure just how perfect it is, but I know I can't disappoint her. Even more, Thakur's mission......not just the hospital, or university, but all the people who are searching.....I can't ignore him or them and be happy. So I guess on Wednesday it's back to Deoghar and the slow, stumbling effort to make his dream of a Hospital and Medical College a reality."
As the winter slowly gave way to spring, Thakur's physical condition deteriorated rapidly. Big fans replaced the heaters in Thakur's room.In late March, four of us were sitting with him as he smoked his water pipe. He kept looking at Kazal. Abruptly, he put aside the stem of the pipe and child-like with an almost piteous, helpless appeal asked. "If I come as your son and I don't like to read all these messages I've said, you won't beat me will you?""Father, please don't say this again and again." There were tears in Kazal's eyes. His voice shook with emotion. "You always stay my father." By this time similar com­ments had been made before many and varied people. It was to become a further step in what has, in retrospect, proven to be a very careful, perceptive and yet so apparen­tly innocent plan for the near and distant future.By the rainy season, 1968, Kazal was back permanen­tly and in charge of Thakur's medical treatment. Bor'da was in almost constant attendance except for the few hours he spent at his home dealing with the problems of administration. Bor'da's eldest son, Asoke, now a lawyer and having spent much of his time organizing and inte­grating the huge Satsang following in Assam was called back to Deoghar by Thakur and requested by his grand­father to take care of him and assist his father, Bor'da, in his increasing responsibilities, Asoke quickly became for his father what Bor'da was to Thakur. So, from July, 1968, besides Bankim-da, Pyari-da, Noni Da, Bishu, and other experienced devotees who had been with Thakur all their lives, now either Bor'da, Kazal or Asoke were in almost constant attendance.A few months earlier a 1/2 acre plot of land along the western side of Rohini Road between Thakur Bari and Bor'da's house had been acquired. Thakur shrugged off all suggestions to make either a garden, a guest house or a retreat for himself.
It overlooked the Darwa River which might someday flow with the Ganges and six miles in the distance was Digheria Hill behind which the sun set each evening and around which Thakur had awakened dreams of a 30,000 acre University City with an astronomy college and observatory on that hill.In October, 1968, Thakur looked out the window of his room, pointed to the oldest building in the yard, the building in which Thakur had first lived on coming to Deoghar and filled with memories and moments of exalta­tion and love."Tear it down." Thakui's words were not a query or even a request. For one who refused to pull out an old, decayed tooth because " had given so much service......'' or sell a twenty year old jeep for the same reason, this peremptory command left all non-plussed. Thakur would not be denied and within a week the area was levelled to leave a large open area between Thakur and Boro Ma's room. Through the later half or 1968, Thakur would preface each request for some large project with the words, "......whether I live or die......" get the university or hospital. Each such remark would be met by moving appeals from Bor'da, Kazal, other senior disciples "......please don't speak that way, Thakur" with folded hands and tear-filled eyes, his sons by birth and sons by culture appealed and prayed. It is believed that personalities like Thakur cannot ignore such appeals by a devotee. That made it easy: never allow him to be without one. He made that even simpler. For several years he had requested myself and others like me to come and live in Thakuc Bari near him. I had put it off. Several times he had requested Bor'da to live there. He perhaps felt the needs of the administration - made it difficult. He put it off.
Often he had requested Kazal to sleep with him at night. Perhaps feeling it was the over exuberance of a loving father. He also delayed doing so. All planned to stay with him. But not just then. Later when it really would be necessary. But for the present we would live in the comfortable surroundings we were accustomed to. How innocently, how simply he exposed us all ! We worked for his causes. We prayed for his health. We appealed to all to grow in devotion !By now, Thakur could not move without help. Attendants were with him throughout the night. The winter came early in 1968. Heaters were back again. Constantly he would repeat the phrase from Shakespeare : 'There are more things twixt heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio.' and as we'd ponder this he'd add : `But for a nail, a battle was lost….' What were those "thing" ? What was that "nail" ?.....................................
by- Justice Prafulla K. Banerji, ex- Justice, Patna High Court, and an eminent disciple of Sri Sri Thakurji. Pages 201 to 205 of his book 'Prophet & Prophecies', publshd-1985. ( on page 200 of his book, he has mentioned what we have already read in the book, written by Ray Hauserman. So, that is not being repeated here.)>>Sri Prafulla K. Das, who, for over thirty years, had, in close association, recorded the talks and messages of Sri Sri Thakur, and who is the author of a few books on Sri Sri Thakur, including 'An Integral Philosophy of life', came to our Patna house on the 19th of August 1984 and stayed with us for three days, and in course of our talk with him we could gather that as he learnt personally from Revered Yoti Sri Narendra Nath Mitra ( 88 years old), still very much alive at Deoghai' and regularly visiting Bapun Baba (the son of Dr. Kajal), that in his presence Sri Sri Thakur addressing Sri-Ma ( second wife of Sri Sri Thakur ji) had said that when He comes. back as the son of Kajal, she should not beat Him for any reason and more so with her left hand. Neither Sri P. K. Das, nor Yoti Sri Narendra Nath Mitra can certainly be disbelieved for any reason.It is equally important to note in this connection that the two constant attendants and recorders of the day to day talks, and messages of Sri Sri Thakur for years together were Sri P. K. Das, M.A., and Sri Devi Prasad Mukherjee M.A, The words spoken out by Sri Sri Thakur in my presence in Nirala Nibesh ( His cottage opposite the other cottage named Parlour ) pointing His finger to Dr. Kajal, also present there, about His return soon as the son of Kajal, were duly recorded by Devi Bhai in his notebook records of the day and also on another occasion and it is still with him, though for some obvious reasons these words of Sri Sri Thakur could not be published in the Ashram journal. The fact is however openly admitted by Devi Bhai to persons interested.
We in our Patna house (54 Pataliputra) have been fortunate indeed to receive Sri-Ma ( second wife of Sri Sri Thakur ji- Moderator) on a number of occasions in the life time of Sri Sri Thakur and also thereafter, and she used to be accompanied by Dr. Kajal, and at times by Dr. Kajil's -wife, daughter and son. In a recent visit to our place on the 16th August, 1983 she stayed with us till the 20th August, 1983 and she made some similar disclosures, the prediction of Sri Sri Thakur made to her long -long back at village Himayetpur in Pabna. It was an exclusive disclosure made to her when Dr. Kajal was still a boy aged 7 or 8 years. During her last visit to our place, she was just recounting a few past events in Sri Sri Thakur's lifetime and since to us these were rather important disclosures made by the mother herself, we with her approval got the conversation recorded on the tape. Her attendant Dabuda ( Bagchi ) was also there. She said that while she was alone with Sri Sri Thakur in His cottage on the banks of the river Padma, at village Himayetpur (in Bangladesh), He spoke to her that He would be coming back and as the son of Kajal. Though rather over-whelmed and feeling sad, she wanted to know how they would be able to know that he himself would be coming back as the son of Kajal and He did disclose to her, that after he was gone, she, in course of her day-to-day morning medita¬tions and while in deep concentration, would hear at proper time, the blowing sounds of conch-shells, thrice on each such occasions and chat would be the indication of his return.

India was celebrating the Republic day on the 26th January, 1969, the Fateful day, Sri Sri Thakur appeared happy and jubilant on that particular morning and after the morning prayers were over, He was in a very cheerful mood as noticed by many of the devotees present there at the time. He thereafter had His usual bath and on His own asking for a new Dhoti, put it on, had His usual lunch in time, and then had his usual smoke with the hubble-bubble (water pipe) and then a short nap. He appeared cheerful also in the afternoon, had His usual conversations with His disciples and attendants and at the usual time, had His night light meal (liquid protein) and occa¬sional smokes from the water pipe all in His Parlour. He then stretched Himself on his bed located in the middle of the Parlour and had his usual massage by his physician devotee, Dr. Peary Charan Nandi. His younger sister respected Khukhi di (Prasadi Didi), who usually stays in Calcutta and came at intervals only to meet her

brother, had by coincidence come to the Ashram in that particular month of January and she used to have her bed inside the Parlour at the side end, while the attendants used to have their separate beds on the other side of the Parlour. A blue dim light used to be on inside the Parlour for the whole-night to enable the attendants to keep occasional watch on Sri Sri Thakur and to attend to His particular needs at any time; Sri Sri Thakur had some fits of cough and disturbed sleep and after some tranquiliser was given.He had a smoke and then seemed to have fallen asleep near about 4 A.M. when it was-still dark. Sri Sri Thakur suffered repeated fits of cough.

Dr. Kajal came out from his room close by and gave an injection. Peary da and other attendants present there could see that shortly thereafter at 4-55 A.M. Sri Sri Thakur had quietly slipped out. of His mortal frame. He was not breathing. Dr. Kajal wanted to inject an emergency Medicine that used to be kept ready for use if necessary, the injection was made ready and the needle was inserted where necessary, but it was all in vain.And who could stop Him when He decided to go away ? He was gone and to His blessed lard after 80 years of stay on this earth, engulfing lakhs of His disciples and devotees in an overwhelming grief on 27-1-1969. Amidst unbearable grief and sorrow, His mortal frame was consumed in Sandal-wood flames on that very evening, amidst thousands of His devotees and towns¬men, but so many lakhs of His devotees living in distant places were all deprived of a last glimpse at their Beloved Lord the Supreme Father who had been their life, light, solace and pro¬tector, for such a long length of time on this strife ridden earth.Many who had been kept ignorant of His reassuring prediction of reappearance as the son of Dr. Kajal felt much more miserable then those who were in the know of it, but still the very idea that we shall no longer see that glowing, smiling Lord with lotus eyes constantly showering bliss, hope and courage to so many, made us feel almost crushed. Though we know that this sun never sets, that He is all the time with us, may not be physically, but nevertheless was showing Himself up to some of His blessed devotees, either in vision or in dream, and it was a great relief when His prediction of His rebirth got fulfilled.
Source -- Ocean in a Tea Cup -- Ray Houserman

Life and Works of Shri Shri Thakur Anukulchandra

Thakur Anukulchandra -- An Overview

Anukulchandra was born on 14 September 1888 in Himaitpur village in the Pabna district of Bangladesh. His father was Shibchandra Chakraborty ( Shandilya Gotra Kanyakubja Brahmin) and his mother was Manomohini Devi.
Anukulchandra set up a Satsanga ashram, first at Pabna in Bangladesh, and then at Deoghar in India, for fostering spiritual development. The four ideals of Satsanga are education, agriculture, industry, and good marriage. Actually Anukulchandra did not 'set up' any organization. The organization evolved around Him. Schools, charitable hospitals, engineering workshops, a publishing house, and a printing press came up. He never wrote any book. Except one -Satyanusaran' ( The Pursuit of Trth), but this was only a letter to one of His disciples Atulchandra. However, conversations of various people with Sri Sri Thakur was recorded, and His direct sayings were compiled. This has given birth to the vast literature of His direct teachings; noted among these are Satyanusaran, Punyapunthi, Anushruti, Chalar Sathi, Shashvati, and Pritibinayak.
Anukulchandra was initiated ( called 'Dikhsha)by his mother on behalf of Huzur Maharaj of Radhaswami Satsang, Dayalbagh, Agra. But He had been showing tremendous spiritual signs right from His advent. He used to do 'Kirton'/Naam-Kirton ( "Hare Rama- Hare Krishna"). Sometimes during this, he would go into a trance. His utterances during these trances known as “messages” were later collected and published in a book called Punyapunthi. It was at this time that he started being addressed as “Thakur”.
Mother Mata Monmohini Devi was deeply inclined to spiritualism namely prayer to the Almighty and her meditation. She was initiated by Huzur Maharaj of Dayalbagh, Radhaswami Satsang of Agra. Her spiritualism consolidated in her initiator Huzur Maharaj Ji through whom she used to taste the nectar of Heaven almost in her everyday life. In 1946 Anukulchandra went to Deoghar in Bihar and an ashram came up there on the model of Satsang. He did not return to Pabna after the partition of India, but continued to live in Deoghar, where he left His mortal frame on 26 January 1969.
" The degeneration of humanity began at that moment when the unseen God was made infinity and, ignoring the Seers, the worship of their Sayings began.
Oh Mankind ! If you desire to invoke your good, forget sectarian conflict. Be regardful to all the past Prophets. Be attached to your living master or God and take only those who love him as your own. Because all the past Prophets are consummated in the divine Man of the present." - Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra- Satyanusaran-
His teachings range over almost all subjects of the world, including pure sciences. He had predicted & explained the dangers ( in a scientific manner) in 1920s itself. He has given immense knowledge of the origin of the world, humans, history of the world & Indo-Aryans in particular. He spoke in details about quanta, atoms, and sub-atomic particles and has given detailed explanation on how all these created the cosmos. No one knows how He spoke on all these, many of which were discovered later by modern science. His explanations of Human Eugenics laws & dynamics of Varnashram is exhaustive. He has said that we must know the science of human breeding, to produce better quality people. All His principles are based on Ayurveda & other Vedic concepts. But His explanations are surprisingly modern.
According to Sri Sri Thakur, the Vedas were expressed at the North Pole itself. The Aryans were practitioners of the Varna system and had a proper science of marriage. This was based on genetics & eugenics.
Sri Sri Thakur said that the Supreme being ( Ultimate GOD) is one & only one. All the Prophets are same and there is no difference. His ideology is based on three major concepts:
1. GOD is one and all Prophets are the same. The Latest Prophet is always the Fulfiller of all the previous prophets.He said Ram, Krishna, Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Chaitanya & Ramkrishna Paramahans have been the Prophets & we should respect them all. Blasphemy to anyone of them is blasphemy to all.
2. Living Ideal ( Guru in flesh & blood/ a living Guru). He said that the abstract God can not be comprehended by humans. So, we need a living Guru who has the attributes (some, if not all) of God. This Guru is the living embodiment of all ideals of life. When a Prophet comes He is called Sad-Guru, the most perfect Guru, and blessed are those who get such a Prophet. This chain of Prophets will continue as long as the creation exists.
3. Marriage on the principles of Varna system. That is first marriage of a man in his own varna ( Savarna Marriage), then he can marry females of the lower varnas ( Anulom Asavarna marriage/ Hypergamous marriage). The former is to preserve the original genetic stock of the lineage, and the subsequent ones to breed new bio-diversities. But he warned against Hypogamous ( Pratiloma) marriages, where the girl is from higher varna. Progeny of such marriages are distorted by birth, as, Sri Sri Thakur "inferior sperm destroys the nodules of a superior ovum". These people, however brilliant, are anti-existence, anti-life by birth, and can not be cured.
In His own words: FIVE FIRES
Do surrender to and serve the Almighty One and unique ;
do serve devoutly the solemn seers who fulfill the past ;
be devout unto the forefathers who roamed on the route of eternal go ;
do serve devoutly the grouping of the varieties of similar instincts (Varnashram), that specifically inhere in the being ;
and do thou dedicate thyself to the present Fulfiller, the best— the adjusted abode and resurrected meaning of the past ;
this— the superb and sovereign path of consummation ; this—the Dharma of existence and this to follow eternally." ( Ref: The Message,by Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra, published by Satsang, Deoghar-814116, India)
His biography in English, titled "Ocean In a Tea-Cup: Story of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra", has been written by Ray Hauserman
( Source -- Wikipedia )