Friday, September 12, 2008

Biography of Thakur Anukulchadra

Biography of Shri Shri Thakur

A brief review on biography of Shri Shri Thakur in English – title of the book “Ocean in a teacup” author Ray A. Houserman, published by Satsang Church, Calcutta.

This book is one of the very authentic and detailed biography of Shri Shri Thakur published so far in any language.
The author Ray Houserman stayed with thakur in Sastsang, both places in Pabna (British India) and in Deoghar (India) for 25 years.
Ray and Ed Spencer was working as members of American Red Cross along with the South East Asian Command under Lord Mounbatten (Supreme Commander) in south east and British Burma during world war II. When war ended in 1945, both came to Calcutta for onward journey to their homeland USA . They were to stay for nearly three months for the ship. They thought to see the various places of this country during their halt in India. Meanwhile one day Ray found Ed missing and no information he left. He searched him for some days but without any result. He felt morose and was waiting for the shipment day. On the day of ship to depart suddenly Ed came and told Ray that he had found a person at Himayetpur Pabna (the then part of British India) who can give solution to all problems of life and Ed must meet this person before he goes to his home. The next ship was to depart after three .months and Ray feeling so much homesick that he did not want to accede to the request of Ed. Ed told him “If you miss him today you will miss him forever”. Ray then decided to avail the next ship after three months and in the meantime see Thakur at Pabna. He went, he stayed with him one and half years before he could think of return to his native place. Afterward the story is very simple, he stayed at Satsang with Thakur and accompanied him to Deoghar and stayed in Satsang for 25 years . The present book is the fruit of his association and sadhana. The book is written in lucid English and not like ordinary biography giving chronological events like a historian.
Availability--- The book will be available at the residence where Ray used to live at Deoghar. In fact I got a copy recently from that place, the price is Rs 150/-. Also you can get further information from Satsang activist Mr Yashenda, a filmmaker of Mumbai Mobile No -09324181981
I recommend this book to those who want to know Thakur . Many things which are untold in the available literature at Deoghar will be found in this book.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Was Thakur a God

Was Thakur a God
One evening as we (Ray houserman and his mother) sat with group around Thakur, she(mother of Ray) arose, and without priliminaries, asked, "Thakur, a great many of your followers claim that you are God. Now I want to know what you say you are? "The group stirred restlessly, clearly resenting what sounded to them like an attack upon their Saint. An elderly disciple arose at once. "I can explain this....""No, no," Mother cut him off rather rudely, "I've already heard what all you had to say. Now I want to know what Thakur says !" Thakur's face glowed with a wide, boyish smile. Obviously, he enjoyed both the discomfiture of the group and these American mother's determination. "Ma, if they call me God, will it make me more than I am ? and if the call me devil, will it make me any less ? As you see me, so I am. "Mother nodded, satisfied, and sat down. Apperantly, she chose to see him as a son, for in the months that followed, she advised and questoned this elderly guru in much the same manner and tone that she used with my brothers and me. Thakur responded with a demonstration of filial devotion and effection that exposed my own inadequate attempts to please, to understand.... and be understood... as superficial.
Source -- Ocean in a teacup --- Ray A Houserman