Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Was Thakur a God

Was Thakur a God
One evening as we (Ray houserman and his mother) sat with group around Thakur, she(mother of Ray) arose, and without priliminaries, asked, "Thakur, a great many of your followers claim that you are God. Now I want to know what you say you are? "The group stirred restlessly, clearly resenting what sounded to them like an attack upon their Saint. An elderly disciple arose at once. "I can explain this....""No, no," Mother cut him off rather rudely, "I've already heard what all you had to say. Now I want to know what Thakur says !" Thakur's face glowed with a wide, boyish smile. Obviously, he enjoyed both the discomfiture of the group and these American mother's determination. "Ma, if they call me God, will it make me more than I am ? and if the call me devil, will it make me any less ? As you see me, so I am. "Mother nodded, satisfied, and sat down. Apperantly, she chose to see him as a son, for in the months that followed, she advised and questoned this elderly guru in much the same manner and tone that she used with my brothers and me. Thakur responded with a demonstration of filial devotion and effection that exposed my own inadequate attempts to please, to understand.... and be understood... as superficial.
Source -- Ocean in a teacup --- Ray A Houserman

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