Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Meditation as told by Shri Shri Thakur

Meditation ------- as told by Shri Shri Thakur
"Cultivate the practice of the Holy Name only for a few days. Eventually you will have the realization of the highest Name. It is not perceived as sound, but the Name is an echo, i.e. an appropriate verbal representation of the experience that is had with our whole being. Just start the chanting right here and now. To get beyond the limitations of the mind we have to repeat Name intensely. To stop the function of the mind, a ceaseless continuation of vibrations is essential.
"Practice name in a rhythmic way and fix the gaze of your inner eye on the right point. Keep you engage yourself in concentration. Sit in such a posture that your limbs don't become slack. A sleepy tendency is likely to overtake you, but do not indulge in it. You may be deeply absorbed in concentration but even then you should not let your hands and feet hang loosely. Don't get distracted. Even if you do, give it no shelter. You should practice like this three times a day, each time for one to one and half-hours. Name should be repeated mentally and that without any break. If you can continue it persistently you may be assured of attaining perfection in the course of four to six years.
Chant Name with tremendous speed. When you chant Name with each and every inhalation and exhalation, it will normally lead to ecstatic absorption. Do you know what it is like? Chant Name 4,6,8, or 10 times in each inhalation and exhalation, then you will transcend the limitations of physical body.
"Practice meditation. You will obtain whatever you focus on in meditation. Chant the Name of God. You will grow stronger physically. You have nothing to worry about physical stamina.
You are in tune with both the earth and the highest point of heaven. You are a storehouse of infinite power. I am imparting the fundamental clue to you. Whatever you will eat after doing it will be easily assimilated. You will even overcome and absorb all that is clearly hostile and unfavorable to you.
(from the Holy Book)


  1. I want to know about god god their missions? Did sri Krishna took dikhsha?
