Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Holy Name -- A Discussion

The Holy Name -- A Discussion

“Brahma Shankar Misra, in his writings tried to explain the name on scientific grounds. According to him, the components of Radha and Soami represent in their letter form and in articulate speech the sound accompanying the spirit current and its focus. Comparing the action of the spirit force to that of a magnetic force he says : "The ions of Ether observed in a magnetic field are subject to two forces (given out by the two poles of magnet). At one pole, it is storage of energy and at the other it is its depletion. The ions are subjected to tremors. This is the first effect in the sphere of the attractive force. Similarly, prevailing attraction in spirit force can resolve into attraction currents which are made up of a series of attractive impulses. The letter sound Radha is accordingly the nearest approach in articulate speech of the subtle sound accompanying the action of the spiritual current. Soami is the prime source of the currents". Thus Radhasoami is the source of all creation.”

It may be noted that His Holiness Brahma Shankar Mishra (popularly known a Maharaj Saheb) is the third guru in the hierarchy of Radhasoami Faith propounded by His Holiness Soamiji Maharaj.

“The second guru used to address his guru as "Radhasoami Saheb". When Hazur Maharaj practised the spiritual exercises of surat shabd yoga and attained the highest spiritual truth, he listened internally the refulgent resonance of Radhasoami incessantly resounding in the first and highest region of Creation and found his guru identical with the Highest Spiritual Being. He was then filled with divine grace and holy light of love. As such, he addressed him as "Radhasoami Saheb" and considered him to be the incarnation of the Supreme Being.”

It may be noted that His Holiness Huzur Maharaj is the second guru in the heirarchy of Radhasoami faith and he is the guru of Mata Monmohini Debi, the fountain head of present Satsang organization of Deoghar.

“Radhasoami signifies both the Supreme Being and the original spirit or sound current which emanates from His Holy feet and which is the fundamental factor in the whole creation. The Supreme Being who has manifested Himself as the Creator can be compared with an ocean of bliss, love, truth, energy and sound (shabd). A creative ocean cannot be perceived without commotion or wave. A single wave tends to produce a cumulative effect which results in the continuous flow of waves. The ocean can thus be called the master creator that is Soami and the first original wave as Radha. With the commotion or rise of the wave, a sound also reverberates. That sound is Radhasoami. So it is equivalent to an announcement from the Supreme Being of His own name.”

Ref ---

Prem Bani (Hymn) from Huzur Maharaj:

Have firm faith in, and reliance on RADHASWAMI.

Radhasoami will accomplish all your tasks.

The Supreme Father Radhasoami Dayal [Merciful Lord of the Soul]

loves you dearly.

He will redeem you in a moment.

Believe what I say is true.

Know that Radhasoami is your True Beloved.

His heart is overflowing with compassion for souls.

He imparts them his own strength and redeems them.

Have no anxiety or worry in your mind now.










........ every moment.

Always utter 'RADHASOAMI',

the Name of the Merciful Supreme Being.

Then only will mind and Kal become powerless against you.

Radhasoami is my most Beloved Lord.

The Supreme Being, Radhasoami who appeared in this world in human form and designated Himself Sant Sat Guru or perfect Saint or true Guide and Preceptor, and preached holy doctrines to sincere enquirer of Truth for the deliverance of their spirit from the bondage of body and its surroundings, as well as from the pains and pleasures of this world, and for the ultimate admission (of their spirit) into the Holy Presence of the Supreme Being after traversing and breaking through the trammels and impediments in the material spheres.

The holy name Radhasoami has been given out by the Supreme Being Himself. It resounds in splendid refulgence in the higher spheres and can be heard within by those who perform devotion by practising Surat Shabd Yoga according to the instructions given by the Supreme Being Himself.

All obstacles thrown in the way and traps laid by Universal Mind and Matter to stop or interfere with the progress of a pilgrim to the high mansion of the Supreme Being in pure spiritual regions disappear at once on the utterance of the holy name Radhasoami by the devotee; such is the immediate effect and beneficial influence exercised by this Almighty Name. It at once strikes awe and terror in the heart of the conflicting agents and revolting forces met with by the devotee while traversing the material regions and gradually removes them altogether from his path.

The holy name Radhasoami signifies both the Supreme Being and the original Spirit or Sound current (or Word) which emanated from His Holy Feet, and which is the prime factor and principal agent in the whole creation.

Blessed is the night on which Param Purush Puran Dhani Soamiji Maharaj graced this planet for the edification of the erring humanity and for removing the darkness of ignorance from the hearts of misguided souls. Blessed is the country, the city and the locality in which He made His advent for steering the souls safely through the ocean of life, in the ark of Shabd.


Kabir Saheb has made a reference to the august holy name mentioned above in one of His holy pieces.

Kabir saith, The true spiritual guide has shown the current of the inaccessible:

transpose it, affix it to Soami, and then perform the repetition.

The term transpose means that the two letters dha and ra which constitute the word dhara (current) should be transposed, that is to say, the expression dhara should be converted into Radha and then affixed to the expression Soami and the two expressions combined, viz., Radhasoami should be repeated.

Those who wishes to know more about the Holy Name is referred to read the following book

Discourses on Radhasoami Faith - Pandit Brahm Shankar Mishra (Huzur Maharaj)

Web link 


  1. Now I give Radhasoami Faith view of Creation Theory. In Sar Bachan (Poetry) composed by His Holiness Soamiji Maharaj the August Founder of Radhasoami Faith the details of creation and dissolution has been described very scientifically. It is written in this Holy Book: Only He Himself (Supreme Father)and none else was there. There issued forth a great current of spirituality, love and grace (In scientific terminology we may call this current as gravitational wave). This is called His Mauj (Divine Ordainment). This was the first manifestation of Supreme Being. This Divine Ordainment brought into being three regions, viz., Agam, Alakh, and Satnam of eternal bliss. Then a current emerged with a powerful sound. It brought forth the creation of seven Surats or currents of various shades and colours (in scientific terminology we may call it electromagnetic waves). Here the true Jaman or coagulant was given (in scientific terminology this coagulant may be called as weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force). Surats, among themselves, brought the creation into being.

    These currents descended down further and brought the whole universe/multi verse into being i.e. black holes, galaxies etc. were born.

  2. The first Name which accompanied the descent of Current from the Nameless was Radhasoami in human articualtion.

  3. There should not open the name for to use any one without diksha. You can only explain its benefits without open.
    Jay GURU

  4. The Holy name should not be opened for to use any one without DIKSHA. It can be only discussed its benefits. According to Sri Sri Thakur the holy name should be secret. Here Non- Dikshit can see and may use.
    Jay Guru
