Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ocean in a Teacup - Third Edition

Ocean in a Teacup – R. A. Houserman
(Biography of Shri Shri Thakur Anukulchandra)
Ray was an ardent disciple of Sri Sri Thakur , a fulltime worker of Satsang and was with close association of Thakur during 1945-1969.
Following is excerpt from his book third edition

“It proposed using the bed of the Darwa River to
connect North and South across the plateau to the Ajoy River, it was called the
Ganga-Darwa Project. It was not too long before a group of devotees lead by R. C.
Sinha, professor of Geology of Patna University, were actively attempting to secure
public and Government cooperation. There was another group of Thakur’s disciples
just as committed to seeking funds and hands for the gigantic educational synthesis
which Thakur called the Sandilya University Project. A third group led by Thakur’s
youngest son, a medical college whose syllabus would attempt to synthesize all
known system of medicine with a few original ideas of Thakur and a five hundred be
hospital organized as a home with facilities for a relative to remain with each patient.
Flood control, education reform, medical innovation and added to it all was another
project – perhaps the most intriguing, if only because of its complete irrationality. The
objective of this program was to secure 100 cars – and this when there already were
more cars than the overworked staff could handle.
The appeal to help these varied projects at the same times in different meeting all over
India, gave an interesting glimpse in the breadth and depth of Thakur’s unique
synthesis. The university appeal for a new lead in the training of men’s minds would
be followed by an equally eloquent appeal for the hospital and the elemental need of
caring for men’s bodies, and this followed by ardent appeals for cooperation in
Ganga-Darwa Prject as basic to the others.
Finally, would come the appeal for money for Thakur’s unneeded cars. Apart from
earning for Thakur the epithet – perhaps unique amongst the many yogis and Gurus –
of the Automobile Avatar, it was interesting to see that the very irrationality of this
cause often over-whelmed the others.”
More about thakur’s unfinished works read in the third edition of the book  “Ocean in a teacup  -- R. A. Houserman” 3rd edition
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