Monday, January 21, 2013

Marriage Reform and Shri Shri Thakur

Following is reproduced from Facebook Profile of Shri Pradeep Nandi

"Joy Guru to ALL
Sri Sir Thakur in all His speech and writings always advocate for “Anulom” marriage( Groom from higher caste and bride from same or lower caste ). Eminent DNA expert and scientists in DNA research confirmed this view and proved this scientifically. 
Here I have enclosed two documents which have published in the leading Indian publications “ The Week “, Dec-06, 1998 and “The Times Of India” in the year 1998. . 
In the first article, “ Caste is in the genes” ( published in The Week, Dec 06, 1998 ) the writer cited research of Prof. Bhaskara Rao and Prof JM Naidu of anthropology Department of then Andhra University through study of DNA samples of 250 individual of 12 caste of Andhra Prtadesh expressed that “ the child born out of marriage of an upper caste man with a lower caste woman goes up the caste hierarchy whereas the one born to upper caste woman and lower caste man remains static on the hierarchical ladder” . 

Sri Sri Thakur clearly stated that “ Protilom e Ku er Janam/ Rashtra, samaj, jatir jom “
The father of DNA technique, Nobel Laureate James Watson expressed the view that gene pools get better in arranged marriages. In the article published in Timess of India in 1998. In a word he supported the caste system followed in India regarding marriage. 

pradip kundu
Received from Shri Pradeep Kundu’s profile in facebook


  1. I am surprised that this writings totally copied my post to " aryakristi Vedic Dharma Group" . I have posted this as well as send it to Yashendra Prasad Da. Please visit this yahoo group and group of Sri Sri Thakur in Yahoo. In everywhere I have enclosed scan copy of the reports . Original till with me. I don't have any thing against this. But being a follower of Sri Sri Thakur, we should be honest.

    Partha Pratim Das.

  2. ( being and becomeing ) is the great personality of human , jay guru of guru bhai

  3. jay guru, jay guru jay guru

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What a concept! Please respect all caste no caste is lower no caste is higher. It shows our narrow mind nothing else. We should feel shy on this type of concept....

    1. Does all types of mango have the same taste? Ans. No. This 'cause there is difference. This unique ness is 2 be protected 4 sake of its existance. Nexr, your point respect, we receive it as per our doings.

  6. What a concept! Please respect all caste no caste is lower no caste is higher. It shows our narrow mind nothing else. We should feel shy on this type of concept....

    1. We have to respect all castes, Bro... But this is all about the marriage systems... Think deep of it...

  7. Oh my god!!! Is this even legal saying such a humiliating thing!!!!

  8. How should one decide their it only by the title that one got during his birth or is it by one's profession?now the question is according to protilom doesn't matter how well educated how acceptable profession the male is in if he choeses to marry & procreate with a upper caste female ..... it's bound to be destructive for the nation...great��
