Tuesday, November 26, 2013

True Meaning of Surrender

Kritiranjan Nath Anurag - SUPREME LOVE

12th August,1964.
Nirala Nibesh, Thakur bunglow.

Robert(Bob) : What happens when one has surrendered himself to the Ishta (ideal)?

Thakur: Then, the concern towards the Ishta becomes prominent in his life. His eyes, nose, face everything reaveals the sayings and features of the Ishta. Sadhana comes to him automatically. He experiences seeing and feeling. He wants everything of Ishta to be perfectly beautiful and acts accordingly.
The word 'SURRENDER' has two parts: 'SUR' means above and 'RENDER' means 'to give'. I have submitted myself on the feet of Ishta that means I have become completely HIS own. To surrender to Christ means to accept Christ. Why have I accepted HIM? Only to love and serve HIM. Hence Christ lies above everything. Surrender is the topmost position of love. Your each and every facial expression shall witness your love towards HIM, and you shall act automatically. Untottering love towards the Ishta shall make you like that.
Robert Bob Cumming became spell-bound by listening to Thakur. After spending a few days at the Ashram, he took initiation from Respected Sushil da on 27th August, 1964. As Dikshapranami Professor Cumming reverendly submitted a large Moonstone in Thakur's hands. Thakur took it in hands and asked to hand it over to S.S Boroma. Boroma took it in her hands and said, "What is this thing? It's so beautiful! "
After doing pranam to Thakur and Baroma, Bob Cumming said, "Thakur, you guide me." To this Thakur smilingly replied, "YOU LOVE ME AND THAT LOVE WILL DICTATE YOU HOW TO BE GUIDED."

¤NOTE: Professor Robert Bob Cumming was an American devotee of Thakur and a professor. He helped the author (Sri Manilal Chakraborty) in editorial work of 'The Message'.

Ref.[Smritir Maala] by Sri Manilal Chakraborty. 
(From facebook status)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Surat Shabd Yoga in Radhasoami Faith

Surat Shabd Yoga in Radhasoami Faith

(Collection from official website of Satsang, Soamibag, Agra)

The basic practice of Radhasoami faith is Surat Shabd Yoga   as profounded by Soamiji Maharaj
Who has  given a complete exposure on this practice in his work Sar Bachan Bartik and the following is taken from that text

“This is to communicate to the adikaris (deserving persons) the message that the Supreme Being Radhasoami, finding the humanity badly confounded and in great distress, manifested Himself as Sant SatGuru. In His unbounded mercy, He revealed 
the mysteries of His own sphere and the mode of attaining it by means of Surat Shabd practice.
It behoves Jivas to develop love in His Holy Feet.
By the performance of this practice, mind will get subdued. There is no otherway in this Kali Yuga for purifying and quieting the mind
and raising it to higher regions. The goals of all the religions, prevalent in this world, reach up to the first or at the most the second stage of Sants. If the Abhyas of  Surat Shabd Yoga is performed methodically, the mind and spirit will be purified, and , catching hold of Shabd, will ascend to celestial regions, represented in human microcosm. Leaving Pind, the region of nine orifices, they will reach Brahmand, i.e., Trikuti. There the spirit will part company with the mind, and proceed further. Experiencing the bliss of Sunn and Maha-sunn, the spirit will have darshan of Sat Purush in Sat Lok, of Alakh Purush in Alakh Lok, and of Agam Purush in 
Agam Lok. Finally, it will reach the Nij Dham of RADHASOAMI. it was from this place that the spirit originally descended. It got entangled in the snares of Kal, laid out in Tri-loki (three worlds or Locks). It will again get back to its original abode.

A practitioner of Surat Shabd Yoga will pass through; Vishnu Lok Shiv Lok, Brahama ka Lok,

Shakti Lok, Ram Lok, Brahm Pad, Nirvan Pad of Jains, the region of Lord God of the Bible and the
regions of Malkoot, Jabroot and Lahoot of Mohammedans, all situated below Sunn. Experiencing
the bliss of these regions, the spirit will enter into its Nij Desh (Original Home) by the grace of
Sants. “ --- from Sar Bachan Bartik

Also read  http://thakuranukulchandra.blogspot.in/2013/07/the-holy-name-of-soamibag-agra.html

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Last days of Shri Shri Thakur – Buddadev Chakraborty
Being a prophet on the earth, Sri Sri Thakur had to face lot of hurdles as he went ahead with his mission of man making, taking man away from the clutches of complexes. He underwent stiff challenges from his surroundings, including his immediate environment that is his family. It was during Sri Sri Thakur’s last stage when he was kept home exiled which made him desolate and gradually his health deteriorated. Something highly strange and suspicious developments engulfed his vicinity and combined with Sri Sri Thakur’s old age and failing health, forced him to leave this earth behind. Sri Sri Thakur perhaps knew that his teachings and Satsang would be held hostage by his immediate successors and would fall prey to the conspiracy of a coterie of followers, who would utilize his legacy for their self interest. Something similar to that happened when his eldest son, popularly known as Borda(Amarendra Nath Chakravarty)one of my grandfather, after the demise of Sri Sri Thakur, announced to be his spiritual successor (absurd). The other two sons of Sri Sri Thakur are: Vivek Ranjan Chakravarty,who is my grandfather(Chorda) and Pracheta Ranjan Chakravarty also one of my grandfather (Kajalda). Borda, however attempted to usurp all the material empire of Satsang for his own sake and for that he ostracized two of his younger brothers and some true fellow disciples. He slowly and systematically, with the help of some shrewd selfish followers captured Satsang administration and started demolishing the purity of the ideological framework that was identified with Sri Sri Thakur. Borda didn’t like the Thakur’s teaching and principle be adored by the people as he has some hidden agenda of becoming the new cult as “Acharyadev”, which was forcibly applied to the then followers who had no place to stay other than Satsang Ashram. As they were from poor family and wanted to have a secure place under the auspices of Sri Sri Thakur; but when they realized that after Thakur’s absence it will be difficult for them to survive with their family they started to glorify Borda as the new Acharyadev who has got the spiritual power from Thakur. It may be logical to bring in here that Sri Sri Thakur, as God in human form, had other members in the family. But none of them could claim to share his Godhood, except that each of them has purity and holiness flowing in his or her blood which he or she would inherit by principles of heredity. Sri Sri Thakur is Almighty God born in the form of man with flesh and blood. His descendants will be respected. They can represent Sri Sri Thakur; but none can replace Sri Sri Thakur. Sri Sri Thakur is the Ideal, to be followed, to be kept at the centre of the devotee’s life.
Borda even tried to manipulate and tampered Sri Sri Thakur’s literature to suit his position and his objectives. He altered some texts in books which would be in favour of him particularly where to send the Istabhrity (the offers to the Ideal) as the main Philanthropy office where most of the disciples send their offerings. He even started the new way of Prayer and new Mantra (the daily utterances) of Istabhrity. As far as the prayer is concerned, in the mid sixties Sri Sri Thakur suffered from arthritis which is a disease of joint pain, he could not sit crossed legged for sometime. So in order to give relief, Borda curtailed some of the stanzas of prayer. Now as Borda was doing some changes in the philosophy of Sri Sri Thakur he made the shorter version of prayer as the new mode of prayer and it was introduced as a regular practice for everyone to follow. Those who did not swear by the loyalty to Borda, it was difficult for them to survive in Satsang organization, no matter how long he or she has been attached with Sri Sri Thakur. Ruthlessly, Satsang alienated all true devotes of Sri Sri Thakur and those very devotees built the Satsang movement by dedicating their lives. In the year 1971 Pujaniya Baroma, the first wife of Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra, left for heavenly abode.
That is how a tradition of successor ‘acharya’ has been built in the Satsang environment, which has built a feudalistic culture in the Satsang. Devotion on Sri Sri Thakur has been replaced by the loyalty to the family. Series of photographs are being placed by the side of Sri Sri Thakur, which has only helped to distract attention from Sri Sri Thakur. One has to send ‘acharyabhrity’ alongside ‘istabhrity’ which is ridiculous. The ritwiks (who is the bonding person between the Thakur and a simple man) have been allured and trained to follow his rules. By bringing these distortions in Sri Sri Thakur’s ideology and by forcing true devotees to desert Satsang, Satsang organization became weak. It has got fragmented into splinter groups. Devotees in general got disoriented in seeing feud in Sri Sri Thakur’s family. So many power centers got created in Satsang, all trying to exploit people’s devotion on Thakur and devotees’ offering for Thakur, that is ‘ishtabhrity’.
Main Satsang, under the control Borda went on expanding their branches, by building real estates and constructing temples. By the end of the 1989’s there were as many as thirty satsang centers which is termed as Satsang Vihar all over India. The time of Borda came to an end in early ninety’s and the time for his eldest son Ashok Chakravarty came. The same thing happened to Ashok Chakravarty but not as tough as his father. Now ‘Sri Sri Dada’ is his new nomenclature, is not doing anything different, continuing to manage the organization.
Deplorable fact is that these developments brought disunity and distraction amongst the large followers of Sri Sri Thakur. The spirit of man making and elevation of consciousness by the process of spiritual pursuit came to remain confined to some select conscientious devotees, who became kind of cross bearer, but minority group. The ferocious flow of Satsang river, which promised to serve the mankind, got reduced to multiple slender streams, struggling to keep their existence live in otherwise highly dynamic world, ravaged by complexes and affluence. The developmental work of Satsang in terms of mega projects and implementation of Sri Sri Thakur’s ideology in the society has faced roadblocks due to numerous reasons, primary among them is the in-fighting amongst the fraternity of devotees.
No one has right to play with the sentiment of people and exploit their belief on Sri Sri Thakur. I one of the great grandsons of Sri Sri Thakur vehemently oppose the present scenario and urge the people to play an active part to revolt against the present authorities of Satsang. Satsang has evolved out of Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra for the benefit of the people .The preamble says that Satsang looks after the economic situation of the poor people, social status of the people and the integrity of the people. But none of the above is been fulfilled by the present management of Satsang.
Some of us have reason to believe that Sri Sri Thakur, the seer had a preview of all these happening today. He took steps to guard against the deviation of his ideology that was known to happen after his physical disappearance. He made adequate provisions so that truth prevails, his ideology remains available undistorted to people and people get the peace, progress and prosperity. Today also nothing is escaping his vigilant notice. He lives through his literature, his ideology and through the conducts of his devotees. This article is an earnest appeal to people to follow the ideology of Sri Sri Thakur in its spirit, in their own interest and follow His dicta and literature which is approved by himself.The devotees must restrict to the literature published before his sad demise i.e in 27th January 1969. Sri Sri Thakur is unique, irreplaceable and devotion on him cannot be shared. We are aware that we are passing through hard time and only Sri Sri Thakur provides the path, the solution and the solace.
Bande Purushottamam

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Holy Name of Soamibag Agra

Origin of Radhasoami faith

The entire thought and practices of the Radhasoami faith, centre round the name Radhasoami which seems to be unique in the Sant traditions. 

In the Radhasoami faith, the ultimate reality is Radhasoami. In Hinduism and its branches the ultimate reality is Brahman and Isvara. Brahman is considered to be the highest reality in Vedanta. The founders of Radhasoami faith, however, came forward with a new concept. According to them, TheBrahman of Vedanta is limited to the second grand division of the creation whom they call "spiritual-material region". They hold that the Brahman is not the true Supreme Being or the highest reality because he is not perfectly free from mind and matter. They assert that though spiritual components predominate in Brahman, there is Maya latent in the seed form and a Supreme Reality having the least admixture of Maya cannot be styled as the highest truth. They envisaged the highest and the first grand division of creation as the region of the true Supreme Being who is absolutely spiritual and totally free from mind and matter. Such a Supreme Being they have named as Radhasoami. In view of the said difference between Radhasoami and Brahman, the meaning of the word is not Krishna or the Lord of Radha. A casual observer however gets confused and straightway starts interpreting it for Krishna as Farquhar did when he observed : "It is necessary also to realize that the real meaning of Radhasoami is Krishna as Lord of Radha (His cowherd mistress in the latest cycle of myth) that Soami is only a curious phonetic misspell of Swami. 

A careful study of the beliefs and practices of the faith shows that symbolic worship is totally rejected in it. The founders have openly criticized the traditionalism and ritualism of symbolism. As such their Supreme Being cannot belong to that category. Besides, the name of Lord Krishna occurs in the writings of the first guru who designates Krishna as the incarnation of a lower region who can never grant salvation to the jivas.

The True Shabd and Dhunyatmak Name

The founders assert that Radhasoami is a Dhunyatmak name because it is the true shabd. Shabd is energy and sound both. When there was no creation, pure and absolute spiritual energy rested in ellipsoid. Through divine will, creation started and the Supreme Being first manifested himself asshabd. The creativity in the pure spiritual energy led to a commotion which was accompanied by a pure spiritual resonance or a holy sound. The founders of the faith assert that Radhasoami is the all-pervading sound force in creation and a devotee can listen to this resonance within himself during the spiritual practice. 

Soami is Ocean and Radha its First Wave

The founders of the faith have a few allegorical interpretations to put forward to explain the two components of the word - Radha and Soami. The second guru says that the Supreme Being may be compared to an ocean. A creative ocean cannot be perceived without commotion. The first wave of the endless ocean is Radha. The original current is not different from but is identical with the ocean itself and as it comes out so it is ever drawn towards it. The creative ocean, therefore, is Soami and the first original wave just identical to the ocean is Radha. The two together from the supreme ocean full of spiritual bliss and truth. Hence Radhasoami. 

A Scientific Explanation

Brahma Shankar Misra, in his writings tried to explain the name on scientific grounds. According to him, the components of Radha and Soami represent in their letter form and in articulate speech the sound accompanying the spirit current and its focus. Comparing the action of the spirit force to that of a magnetic force he says : "The ions of Ether observed in a magnetic field are subject to two forces (given out by the two poles of magnet). At one pole, it is storage of energy and at the other it is its depletion. The ions are subjected to tremors. This is the first effect in the sphere of the attractive force. Similarly, prevailing attraction in spirit force can resolve into attraction currents which are made up of a series of attractive impulses. The letter sound Radha is accordingly the nearest approach in articulate speech of the subtle sound accompanying the action of the spiritual current. Soami is the prime source of the currents". Thus Radhasoami is the source of all creation. 

It Denotes Two Spiritual Components : The Lover and The Beloved

Radhasoami faith is the religion of pure and spiritual love. Love denotes two components, the beloved and the lover. The prime source of all love and spiritual energy is the beloved and is therefore known as Soami. The first wave of love and spiritual energy arising from its source and then being attracted towards it again, is the lover and therefore is known as Radha. The Supreme Love is Radhasoamiidentifying both the components and fusing them into one. 

Radha is Adi-Surat And Soami is Adi-Shabd

As already explained, Radhasoami is the spiritual resonance reverberating incessantly in the highest region of creation where no mind and matter exist. The original resonance of adi-shabd (first sound) isSoami. Radha is the creative force which emanated from adi-shabd. In other words, Soami is the storehouse of the shabd and so it is called adi-shabd. Radha, being the first creative force, having its source in adi-shabd, and completely identical to it, is known as adi surat. Radhasoami together signify the storehouse of shabd which is sound and energy both. 

Radhasoami is Soamiji Maharaj

The second guru used to address his guru as "Radhasoami Saheb". When Hazur Maharaj practised the spiritual exercises of surat shabd yoga and attained the highest spiritual truth, he listened internally the refulgent resonance of Radhasoami incessantly resounding in the first and highest region of Creation and found his guru identical with the Highest Spiritual Being. He was then filled with divine grace and holy light of love. As such, he addressed him as "Radhasoami Saheb" and considered him to be the incarnation of the Supreme Being.

Radhasoami is Santsatguru

Maintaining the revelations of the second guru, the followers of the faith designate the living Satguruas "Radhasoami". In fact, a devotee who practises surat shabd yoga and attains such spiritual heights as to identify the Satguru with the Supreme Being can alone reveal the secrets of this name. But as the Satguru is the human manifestation of the Supreme Being and is known as His son or representative in the world, he is generally addressed as "Radhasoami". Such a one possesses all the attributes of the Supreme Being and like the tidal wave of the ocean, remains in constant union with Him. 

It is Also the Name of The Sect 

Followers of the faith are knitted in one organization known as "Radhasoami Satsang". It was named thus when the first guru established the organization in 1861. The reason, evidently, is that devotees are required to keep the name of the Satguru constantly in their heart; by giving this name to the organization the first guru perhaps also meant to provide a built-in reminder to them about the holy name. It is, therefore, logically correct to name the sect as "Radhasoami Satsang".

(taken from  http://www.radhasoamisatsang.org/rsname.htm   and circulated in this blog for information of the followers)

Friday, May 31, 2013

Pearls from Thakur - facebook collection

Pearls from Shri Shri Thakur

source --  facebook status

Monday, January 21, 2013

Marriage Reform and Shri Shri Thakur

Following is reproduced from Facebook Profile of Shri Pradeep Nandi

"Joy Guru to ALL
Sri Sir Thakur in all His speech and writings always advocate for “Anulom” marriage( Groom from higher caste and bride from same or lower caste ). Eminent DNA expert and scientists in DNA research confirmed this view and proved this scientifically. 
Here I have enclosed two documents which have published in the leading Indian publications “ The Week “, Dec-06, 1998 and “The Times Of India” in the year 1998. . 
In the first article, “ Caste is in the genes” ( published in The Week, Dec 06, 1998 ) the writer cited research of Prof. Bhaskara Rao and Prof JM Naidu of anthropology Department of then Andhra University through study of DNA samples of 250 individual of 12 caste of Andhra Prtadesh expressed that “ the child born out of marriage of an upper caste man with a lower caste woman goes up the caste hierarchy whereas the one born to upper caste woman and lower caste man remains static on the hierarchical ladder” . 

Sri Sri Thakur clearly stated that “ Protilom e Ku er Janam/ Rashtra, samaj, jatir jom “
The father of DNA technique, Nobel Laureate James Watson expressed the view that gene pools get better in arranged marriages. In the article published in Timess of India in 1998. In a word he supported the caste system followed in India regarding marriage. 

pradip kundu
Received from Shri Pradeep Kundu’s profile in facebook