Hypergamous Marriage, Eugenics and Social
As compatible marriage within similar class and
clans is propitious, so also proper hypergamous marriage is beneficial in all
respects. Hypergamous marriage means the union of a male of a higher Varna with
a female of lower Varna. In the scriptures it is highly applauded and
countenanced. The fundamental principles of marriage are applicable here also.
So apt hypergamous marriage can achieve the twin objectives of marriage e.g.,
superior becoming and procreation of good children. Over and above this it has many
more good effects. As a common Ideal creates a divine integration in the
society, so hypergamous marriage effects a blood-compactness among different
Varnas and binds them together in a deep mutual relationship. So a common Ideal
and hypergamous marriage are the harbinger of social integration.
The Assimilative Power of Society and Expansion
towards Becoming
In this connection it should be mentioned that
inter-provincial marriage should be introduced both within similar class and
different Varnas in a hypergamous manner. That can consolidate national
integration on a firm foundation. Moreover there is no bar to establishing
marital relations with foreign societies and countries maintaining the
fundamental principles of marriage in tact. That serves to expand the society
gradually. If the assimilative power of the society does not increase,
eventually the society becomes weak and isolated. Moreover if the society does
not advance towards existential expansion, it invariably becomes a prey to
hostile external forces and proceeds towards annihilation under their
aggressive pressure. If we do not move forward towards growth, decadence
becomes inevitable. We should have a deep and thorough understanding about the
cross current of forces that operates unfailingly in the social plane. We
should go onward towards growth with bold steps keeping adherence, existential
orthodoxy and conservatism unaffected. It will not do to indulge in suicidal
dangerous propensities discarding Ideal, culture, tradition and benign characteristics
for the sake of welcoming so called liberalism. We cannot afford to destroy the
foundation of our existence which has been built up little by little by the
cumulative efforts of thousands of years; rather we have to enrich it all the
more by accumulating and assimilating existential elements from all around.
Thereby we shall be benefited by others and others will also be benefited by us
and herein lies Dharma.
The Influence of Mutual Regard and Love
The admiration of the lower Varna towards a higher
and a responsible sense of affection and compassion of the higher Varna for the
lower make the society imbued with love and an urge for higher becoming through
the cultivation of regard, love and service. Such a go of life intensifies the
urge for self-culture. Where such a trend prevails, mutual service and
co-operation become dominant instead of forcible demands. The prevalence of
hypergamous marriage automatically brings in such a mentality. It cannot be
adequately described as to what a stupendous amount of social benefit flows
from it. It dispels an unaccommodative egoistic attitude and invokes and
installs a tendency of mutual regard in its place. Instead of conflict and
struggle there appears a hankering for harmony and fellowship. As a result of
this the whole society becomes crystallized and fortified. So no one has to
deteriorate owing to weakness, caused by social disintegration. In such an
atmosphere people naturally come to the rescue of one another in times of
danger. The spiritual and intellectual power of the Vipra, the valour and
diplomacy of the Kshatriya, the economic power and acquisitive talent of the
Baishya and the working capacity and service-ableness of the Shudra become all
the more combined and coordinated through the existence of a common Ideal and
hypergamous marriage and thus protect, nurture and defend one and all like an
impregnable fortress. And it is thus, that social evolution becomes
Benign Consequences of Hypergamy
Moreover, as a result of the judicious
inter-marriage of different Varnas, people with varied richer instincts are
born, and they turn out to be invaluable assets to the nation. We know that the
seed predominates. The father supplies the seed and the mother receives and
measures it and gives shape to it by providing suitable nurture. So there
appears a difference in the resultant form of the seed i.e., the child
according to the characteristic nature of the receptivity, measuring capacity
and nurture of the mother, which again depend on her biological structure. Thus
there grow different subsections within each Varna according to the difference
in the Varna of the mother. And in every subsection a special type of the
paternal instinct is discernible, as within the Bipra Varna there are original
‘Bipras’ born of Bipra parents, there are ‘Murdhabshikta Bipras’ who are born
of a Bipra father and a Kshatriya mother, there are ‘Ambustha Bipras’ who
spring from a Bipra father and a Baishya mother and there are ‘Parashab Bipras’
who owe their origin to Bipra fathers and Shudra mothers. Every one of these
sections has its distinct characteristics. And this distinctiveness has its
special suitability and contribution to the society. It holds good with regard
to the subsections obtaining in each Varna. So we should make a proper
assessment as to how enormously these varieties contribute to the enrichment of
the society. Again as a result of the prevalence of hypergamy, vigour, valour
and enlivening energy flare up in the nation through the nurture of newer and
newer blood-combinations. So Sri Sri Thakur has said: “Marriage within similar
class produces a balanced temperament and hypergamy increases vigour”.
A girl of a lower Varna naturally cherishes a keen
and active admiration for a suitable husband belonging to a higher Varna. This
existential admiration invariably enhances the life-urge of the child
abundantly. A regardful ardour becomes ingrained in them. Again some organic
evolution is effected in the mother in course of her endeavour to nurture the higher
seed. And women also become normally elevated through the impact of an intimate
contact with the family-environment of her husband having a superior Varna and
corresponding superior culture. So can there be any doubt about the fact that
this kind of hypergamy is supremely propitious in all respects?
I find Thakur's idea of spreading his concept of Varnashrama to other societies very intriguing. Did he mention anything about how he planned or how he recommends one can do that?
Many of His mission remain unaccomplished. One of His wish was that we should spread his teachings to every people of the world. I am still looking for interested souls who can take up this task. +91 8010189196
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